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Fire Dragon Australia

Newsletter - 31st August 2005

News From Fire Dragon Australia


Master Hardy, Sifu Bellchambers and Stephen Wells travelled to the US to attend Grandmaster St Charles' 2005 Summer Camp. On their way there, they had a couple of days to see Master Luciano of the Pai Family Branch, who generously put them up. They attended a day course on Tai Chi Chuan and Hsing I which was very challenging, but intensely rewarding - and then stayed up until all hours watching videos!

So it was by no means fresh Australians who met with Pai Shinzan on 26 August. And more was to come - with Shinzan in a mood for training at any hour of the night or day! The Australians almost had Shinzan to themselves until the Camp formally started on the 29th, with Sifu Doug White from the Pittsburg Club also kindly showing them around. Shr Fu Bellchambers had been warned he was grading for 2nd Higher Level, and was tested on his knowledge, his heart and his own capacity to teach. In the words of Pai Shinzan: 'Put the Lion in your heart, the Tiger in your eye, and the Dragon in your soul!'.

Instruction in forms, techniques, and the Way of the White Dragon never stopped, with lessons at many different levels. For the higher ranks, deeper meanings, more complexity in the teaching. Sen Chuan - Grandmaster Fred Schmitz - was a guest who also passed on priceless knowledge, and Senior Master Sanders was able to make it for the Weekend Course. Master Hardy was also asked to take a session.


At Course end, Sifu Doug White was promoted to 3rd Higher Level, and Shr Fu Bellchambers promoted to 2nd Higher Level. Shr Fu Bellchambers was also, with the agreement of Pai Shinzan, given the rank of Adopted Grandson (4th generation), with the name Pai-StCharles-Hardy-Shr Zr or Guardian Lion of Pai Lum in Australia. Well done, Shr Fu Bellchambers!!

In a surprise announcement, Master Hardy was then promoted by Grandmaster St Charles to 5th Higher Level, and Master Teacher. Even more is now expected, a responsibility which Master Hardy - Shr Gung Lung Tsai Hsia - accepts!

The 2005 visit to Grandmaster St Charles has meant far more to Master Hardy and his students than a greater level of understanding of Pai Lum Kung Fu and promotions - it has been an important step in deepening the links between the Australian and US White Dragons. The love and care of members of the Pai Family transcends mere distance, and while meetings are always cause for celebration, and partings for fond memories, we still strive to be one. Fire Dragon Australia owes a very great deal to our US brothers and sisters, and most especially to our Grandmaster, Pai Shinzan!

And, too, to those senior students, notably Wasu Jayne Hardy and Tiernan Creagh, who managed the Club in the absence of Master Hardy and Shr Fu Bellchambers!

Pai Shinzan's 2005 Summer Camp - the final day!
Pai Shinzan's 2005 Summer Camp - the final day!

The Aussies and Grandmaster St Charles. Front: Stephen Wells; Back: Master Hardy, Pai Shinzan, Shr Fu Bellchambers
The Aussies and Grandmaster St Charles. Front: Stephen Wells; Back: Master Hardy, Pai Shinzan, Shr Fu Bellchambers

The Pittsburg people surrounding Pai Shinzan (Sifu White directly behind Shinzan)
The Pittsburg people surrounding Pai Shinzan (Sifu White directly behind Shinzan)

Shinzan with the Florida visitors
Shinzan with the Florida visitors

Master Hardy with Grandmaster Fred Schmitz (Sen Chuan).
Master Hardy with Grandmaster Fred Schmitz (Sen Chuan).

Pai Shinzan - the stare of the Dragon!
Pai Shinzan - the stare of the Dragon!

To celebrate the return home of Master Hardy, Shr Fu Bellchambers and Stephen Wells, Fire Dragon held a dinner on Saturday 13th. The food wasn't the only thing to get well steamed!

A very good meal provided the setting for a great Family get together.

Table 1 at the FireDragon Dinner
Table 1 at the FireDragon Dinner

table 2 concentrates on their food - like true Martial Artists!
table 2 concentrates on their food - like true Martial Artists!

Table 3 showed interest in food and the camera!
Table 3 showed interest in food and the camera!

Another view of Table 3
Another view of Table 3

Kate shows off her Service Medal for Timor - well earned!
Kate shows off her Service Medal for Timor - well earned!

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